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Dienstag, 1. August 2006
Roth-Händle-Werk wird geschlossen
cut, 16:57h
Na, wer sagt es denn. Die Agitation gegen das Rauchen zeigt Wirkung. Die Imperial Tobacco Group geht in die Knie. Also, weg mit der Fluppe, aber zackig.

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Sehr schöner Disclaimer
cut, 11:22h
Class War Disclaimer
The Class War Federation does not believe in smashing the state or overthrowing capitalism. In fact we recommend you stay at home and watch TV with a cup of hot cocoa. Spend all your money keeping the wheels of capitalism turning and once every four years vote for that nice Mr Blair. Do nothing. Be nice to your boss, as his interests are yours. Help the police.
Remember the information on this site is just that, information. It is for entertainment purposes only and we think anybody breaking the law deserves to have a smacked bot.
Mehr als nur der Disclaimer!
The Class War Federation does not believe in smashing the state or overthrowing capitalism. In fact we recommend you stay at home and watch TV with a cup of hot cocoa. Spend all your money keeping the wheels of capitalism turning and once every four years vote for that nice Mr Blair. Do nothing. Be nice to your boss, as his interests are yours. Help the police.
Remember the information on this site is just that, information. It is for entertainment purposes only and we think anybody breaking the law deserves to have a smacked bot.
Mehr als nur der Disclaimer!
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