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Donnerstag, 10. August 2006
Alternative Tentacles
cut, 18:21h
Ja genau, das Label von Jello Biafra, ehemals Dead Kennedys. Die permanenten Streitereien von denen lasse ich mal außen vor und beschränke mich auf das Anstimmen eines Lobgesanges! Schon die Selbstdarstellung bringt es auf den Punkt: Alternative Tentacles Records was established in June of 1979 and is most likely the longest lasting (and still active) underground record labels around. Although it is perceived by many as a "punk" label, having released records by Dead Kennedys and others, it is actually best known for its impact on the world of underground culture. Großartige Bands, großartiges Label. Und einer hat immer was zu sagen: Punk Politics by Jello Biafra. A little light reading.

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