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Mittwoch, 29. August 2012
The Only Good Punk
cut, 14:19h
Manchmal gibt es ja diese Wahlen. Oder Listen. Beste Alben aller Zeiten. Beste Songs. Was weiß ich. Auch in Kleinbloggersdorf. Mit so einer abschließenden Liste tu ich mich schwer. Mit dem für mich besten Song aller Zeiten dagegen nicht. Seit Jahren einsam an der Spitze. Unabhängig vom Text:
Electro Hippies: BP
With a finger in every single dirty pie,
its only natural that they'd want to hide,
behind a glossy image of a company true and fair,
but your tissue paper facade is starting to tear.
Float the company to rae in even more cash,
having a government backing helps to avoid a backlash,
in cases anyone finds out where the money goes,
but we've got you sussed and that masks just for show.
Money grabbers, vivisectors, weapon makers, land stealers,
evictor of native, jungle killers, support apartheid - British Profiteers.

Electro Hippies: BP
With a finger in every single dirty pie,
its only natural that they'd want to hide,
behind a glossy image of a company true and fair,
but your tissue paper facade is starting to tear.
Float the company to rae in even more cash,
having a government backing helps to avoid a backlash,
in cases anyone finds out where the money goes,
but we've got you sussed and that masks just for show.
Money grabbers, vivisectors, weapon makers, land stealers,
evictor of native, jungle killers, support apartheid - British Profiteers.

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